
首頁 > 技術文章 > 鋼絞線拉伸試驗機的依據標準大全


 更新時間:2021-07-13 點擊量:1115


    →GB/T5224-2014《預應力混凝土用鋼絞線》Steel strand for prestressed concrete;
    →GB/T5223.3-《預應力混凝土用鋼棒》Steel bars prestressed concrete;
    →GB/T21839-2008《預應力混凝土用鋼材試驗方法》Steel for prestressed concrete-Test methods;
    →ISO 15630-3:2002《預應力混凝土用鋼和預應力混凝土用鋼試驗方法 第3部分:預應力用鋼英文版》;
    →(ISO 15630-3:2002 ,Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete-Test methods-Part  3:Prestressing steel,MOD);
    →GB/T228.1-《金屬材料拉伸試驗 第1部分:室溫試驗方法》metallic materials-Tensile testing-Part1:  Method of test at room temperature;(ISO 6892-1:MOD);
    →ASTM E8M-04.Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of metallic Materials [Metric] 金屬材料的抗拉試驗方法;
    →BS EN10002-1:金屬材料 拉伸試驗 *部分:室溫下的測試方法;
    →ASTM E9-89a.Standard Test Methods of Compression Testing of metallic Materials at Room Temperature室溫下金屬材料的壓縮試驗方法;
    →GB/T7314-《金屬材料室溫壓縮試驗方法》metallic materials-Compression testing at ambient temperature;
    →GB/T232-《金屬材料彎曲試驗方法》metallic materials-Bend test;(ISO 7348:2005.MOD);
    →GB/T10623-《金屬材料力學性能試驗術語》metallic materials-Mechanical testing-Vocabulary;(ISO 23718:MOD);
    →GB1499.1-《鋼筋混凝土用鋼 第1部分:熱軋光圓鋼筋》Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 1: Hot rolled plain bars(ISO6935-1:NEQ);
    →GB1499.2-《鋼筋混凝土用鋼 第2部分:熱軋帶肋鋼筋》Steel for the reinforcement of concrete-Part2: Hot rolled ribbed bars(ISO6935-2:NEQ);
    →GB13788-冷軋帶肋鋼筋cold rolled ribbed steel wires and bars;
    →JGJ/T27-2014《鋼筋焊接接頭試驗方法標準》Standard for test methods of welded joint of reinforcing steel bars;
    →GB/T244-《金屬管彎曲試驗方法》metallic materials-Tube-Bend test;
    →GB/T3091-2015《低壓流體輸送用焊接鋼管》Welded steel pipes for low pressure liquid delivery;
    →GB/T3098.1-2010《緊固件機械性能 螺栓、螺釘和螺柱》Mechanical properties of fasteners-Bolts, screws and studs;